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More on Medication

One of Dr. Jeffries' primary focus is utilizing medication management in the treatment of mental health disorders. Medication management is a multi-faceted process of reconciling, monitoring and assessing the medication an individual takes to treat their specific issues.


Policies on Medications and Refills

  • You are responsible to make an appointment before your medication runs out.

  • You will be given refills for your medications during your scheduled appointment. If you cancel this appointment, but need a refill, you will be responsible to provide SEVEN days’ notice Prior to your running out of your current prescriptions. You will also need to be seen by your provider for further refills.

  • There will be NO Refills for ADHD Medications outside of appointment times. Schedule II medications are tightly regulated, and those meds are taken seriously for the safety of your health. We monitor clients’ vital signs and assess side effects and the health of our clients while taking these medications. This also applies to all Scheduled Medications.

  • I will Not authorize refills if you have no future appointments. The medication management of your health is taken very seriously. Therefore, I only prescribe medications for clients who are in active treatment.

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